Saturday 20 August 2016

The term Underweight refers to a human who is considered to be under a healthy weight. Individuals who are Underweight are at high risk for malnutrition. Many things affect our health, but research has shown that people whose body weight is within a certain range tend to live the longest and enjoy the best health. Those who are underweight are below this range, which means their health could be at risk. A body mass index calculator can help you find out if you're underweight. A number of underweight people are fit and well, they simply have a slender constitution. However, for many people being Underweight means their bones aren't as strong as they could be and they have fewer 'reserves' if they fall ill.
Home Remedies for Under Weight

1. Underweight treatment using Milk Cure:
An exclusive milk diet for rapid gain of weight has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners. At the beginning of this mode of treatment, the patient should fast for three days on warm water and lime juice so as to cleanse the system. Thereafter, he should have a glass of milk every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the first day, a glass every hour and half the next day, and a glass every hour the third day. Then the quantity of milk should be gradually increased so as to take a glass every half an hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., if such a quantity can be tolerated fairly comfortably.

2. Underweight treatment using Figs: Figs are an excellent remedy for increasing weight in case of thinness. The high percentage of the rapidly assimilable sugar in this fruit make it a strengthening and fattening food. Three dried figs soaked in water should be taken twice daily.

3. Underweight treatment using Raisins :Raisins are a good food for those who wish to gain weight. Thirty grams a day may be taken for this purpose.

4. Underweight treatment using Nutrients: Nutrients which help to keep the nerves relaxed are of utmost importance as nervousness causes all the muscles to become tense, and the energy which goes into the tensing wastefully uses up a great deal of food. Although all vitamins and minerals are required for relaxation, the most important once are vitamin D and B6,calcium, and magnesium. The richest sources of vitamin D are milk, cod-liver oil, and rays of the sun. Calcium is supplied by milk and yoghurt. Magnesium can be obtained from green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, turnip, radish, and beet tops. These vegetables should, preferably, be taken in salad form or should be lightly cooked.

5. Underweight treatment using Musk Melon :Musk melon is one of the most effective home remedies for thinness. If the melon cure is properly carried out, a rapid gain in weight can usually be achieved. In this mode of treatment, only musk melons are taken three times during the day for forty days or more. In the beginning, only three kilograms of melons are taken daily for three days. Then the quantity is increased by one kilogram daily till it is sufficient to appease the hunger. Only the sweet and fresh fruits of the best variety are used in the treatment.

6. Underweight treatment using Mango-Milk Cure :The mango-milk cure is also an ideal treatment for thinness. For this mode of treatment, ripe and sweet mangoes should always be selected. They should be taken thrice a day-morning, afternoon, and evening. Two medium sized mangoes should be taken first and then followed by a glass of milk. Mango is rich in sugar but deficient in protein. On the other hand, milk is rich in protein but deficient in sugar. The deficiency of one is made up by the other. Mango thus combines very well with milk and an exclusive mango-milk diet taken for at least one month, will lead to improvement in health and vigour and gain in weight.
Underweight treatment usnig Bananas:Eating three bananas in a day is very effective if you eat one bowl of curd after that. You can also drink one glass of milk after eating banana.

Friday 19 August 2016

When the skin is overexposed to the ultra violet rays from the scorching sun, sunburn is caused. Other sources of ultra violet rays like welding arcs, tanning lamps can also cause sunburn. It can cause skin cancer. Sunburn should never be taken lightly because it may even lead to death or permanent disability. Fair people are at greater risk as compared to dark people.

Symptoms of Sunburn

  • Skin may become red and tender.
  • Skin may warm to touch.
  • Fever, chill, nausea, vomiting, rash, flu and skin loss are also some other symptoms of sunburn. 
Home Remedies for Sunburn
1. Tomatoes: Mash some tomatoes and apply immediately after coming in from the sun. They cool the skin as well act as a bleach against sun tan. You can add a little buttermilk to the tomato mash.

2. Tea: Soak fresh tea bags, or take your used ones and refrigerate until cool. Apply them to the sun burnt areas. The tannic acid is especially helpful in drawing out the heat. You can also make a pot of tea, chill it and soak towels in it, which you then apply on the burnt areas.
3. Aloe Vera: This is very soothing. Either apply fresh aloe vera gel, straight from the plant if you have it at home, or any aloe vera based lotion.
4. Oatmeal: You can make a paste of oatmeal with the white of an egg, and apply on the skin. Leave for some time before washing off. Or you can also add two cups of oatmeal to a tub of bath water and soak in it for at least a half hour.
5. Cornstarch or baking powder: Both can be used in similar fashion. You can dissolve 2 cups in bath water, and soak in it. Or you can make a smooth paste and apply to the areas of the skin which have sunburn.
6. Cucumbers, potatoes or strawberries: Grate the cucumber and apply directly on the skin. You may also mix it with some milk to make a smooth paste before applying. Ditto with strawberries and potatoes.

7. Milk or yogurt: These dairy products are also very helpful. Soak small towels in chilled yogurt or milk, and apply directly to the burn areas. You can also mix 4 to 5 cups in your bath water and soak in it.
8. Cabbage and Lettuce: Take cabbage or lettuce leaves and soak them in cold water or refrigerate them. When they are cold enough, lay them on the affected parts of the skin. This will reduce the sunburns and heal them.
9. Rose Water: Dip few drops of rose water in a cold water and have a refreshing bath. This will act as a good sunburn reliever in the summer days.

10. Sandalwood Oil: Add few drops of sandalwood oil in the cold water and have a refreshing bath. This will cool down and relief the sunburn skin and keeps a healthy balance of your body.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Cataract is an eye disease which causes blurred vision. It results in the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye, placed at the back of the iris, or in its envelope. The lens can suffer from slight to complete opacity, blocking the passage of light. A person suffering from cataract cannot see clearly. As the lens becomes opaque, it hampers the entrance of light which distorts the visibility. Cataract is mainly caused due to three factors - deterioration in the nutrition of the lens, deposits of acids and salts between the lens fibers, and disintegration of lens fibers. Aging, diabetes, eye injury and down-syndrome are some of the other causes of this disease. You can treat cataract naturally also, provided you know the correct home remedies for the same, some of which have been mentioned below.

Causes and Symptoms of Cataract

Deterioration in the nutrition of the lens :There are three factors which contribute to the loss of transparency of the lens. These are deterioration in the nutrition of the lens which diminishes the vitality and resistance of the delicate lens fibres; deposits of acids and salts between the lens fibres which have an irritating effect on the lens tissues and exert an increasing pressure on its delicate fibres, gradually destroying them; and disintegration of lens fibres which cloud the entire lens in the absence of appropriate measures.

Poisons in the blood stream, faulty style of living :As in the case of most diseases, poisons in the blood stream due to dietetic errors and a faulty style of living, are the real cause of cataract. The toxic matter in the blood stream spreads throughout the body to find shelter in any available weak spot. It strikes the lens if it has become weak through strain, excessive use of the eyes, and local irritation. The condition becomes worse with the passage of time and then a cataract starts developing.

Stress and strain, alcoholic drinks, certain physical ailments :Other causes of cataract are stress and strain; excessive intake of alcoholic drinks, sugar, and salt; smoking; certain physical ailments such as gastro-intestinal or gall-bladder disturbances; diabetes; vitamin deficiencies; fatty acid intolerance; ageing; radiation; side-effects of drugs that have been prescribed for other diseases.

Home Remedies for Cataract

1.Carrots:The use of carrots is considered beneficial in the treatment of cataract. The patient should take plenty of raw carrots daily. As an alternative, he may drink two glasses of fresh carrot juice, one each in the morning and evening.

2.Garlic:The use of garlic is another effective home remedy for cataract. Two or three cloves should be eaten raw daily. They should be chewed slowly. Garlic helps to clean the crystalline lens of the eye.

3.Pumpkin:The flowers of pumpkin are valuable in cataract. The juice of these flowers should be extracted and applied externally on the eyelids twice daily. It will stop further clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye.

4.Aniseed:Aniseed is considered a useful remedy for cataract. An equal quantity of aniseed and coriander powder should be mixed with one teaspoon of brown sugar, and the mixture should be taken in doses of 12 gm in the morning and evening.

5.Honey:The use of unprocessed pure honey is another effective remedy for cataract. A few drops of this honey should be put in the eyes. This is an ancient Egyptian remedy which has benefitted many patients.

6.Almond:Almonds are valuable in cataract. Seven kernels should be ground finely with half a gram of pepper (black pepper) in half a cup of water, and drunk after sweetening the mixture with a teaspoon of sugar candy. It helps the eyes to regain their vigour.

7.A combination of cardamom and milk is said to be healthy for eyes. Grind 2 pieces of cardamom and put them in a glass of milk. Boil and bring it down to lukewarm temperature. Consume this milk, every night.

8.Include oranges and grapes in your diet, as they help in healing the eye and curing cataract.

9.Eat raw salads. Dressing them with olive oil and lemon juice would add to their benefit.

Friday 12 August 2016

Dark armpit is a condition of dark skin under the arms. Nowadays there are a number of reasons to have Dark armpits. Normally persons with Dark underarm restrict themselves to wear clothes that can hide their dark armpits normally they prefer to wear full or half sleeve clothes. There are a number of reasons which causes this condition such as sweating, a unhygienic way of life,pollution, wearing dirty clothes for a  longer time, wearing skin tight clothes, use of chemical products for fragrance sometimes causes the blockage of the pores of the skin. There are several ways to get rid of the Dark armpits described below in my post. 

Home Remedies for Dark Armpits and Dark Elbow

Home Remedies for Dark Underarms with Lemon: Lemon has the quality to remove dead cells of the skin and deliver a fresh look to it.  Take 2 spoons of Coconut oil and mix with one fresh lemon juice and apply the paste at the affected place for half an hour. Wash it with the lukewarm water.Try this remedy regularly till black spots subside.

Dark underarms Treatments with Sandal: Sandal powder, along with rose water, has always been a recommended product to take care of human skin. You must use a mixture of these two products and clean your skin under arms.

Remedies for Dark Underarms with Cucumber:It is recommended to extract juice from cucumber and mix it with turmeric powder. You may also add lime juice to enhance the capability of the mixture to fight against skin darkening under arms. Apply this mixture for half an hour and then, wash it away to get glowing skin under arms.
Remedies for Underarms with Home Scrubs:You may prepare home scrub using dried orange peel powder and yogurt and apply it over the infected area. This is one of the best home remedies for dark underarms.

Underarms remedies with Potato Juice:Potato juice is considered as an appropriate bleaching product for retaining the fairness of skin.
Treatment for Dark Underarms with Baking Soda:You may gently massage affected area with baking soda after taking a shower every day to reduce the occurrence of dark skin under arms.

Dark armpits will go with Milk treatment:Milk is again a useful ingredient for treating dark skin occurrence at armpits. You must mix milk with an equal quantity of curd and gram flour. You may also prefer to add a pinch of turmeric powder in the mixture. Apply this over the area and keep for at least 20 minutes, before rinsing with cold water.

Dark armpits and Alum Powder: In order to avoid the occurrence of dark underarms caused by deodorants, you may replace these products with alum powder.

Vitamin E:Apply vitamin E oil on your armpits.

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