Wednesday 27 April 2016

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract in which people find difficulties in breathing due to narrowing of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea. It can be triggered by dust, allergies, some foods, clothes, hair, or it could be passed down genetically.

Person suffering with asthma has bouts of bronchial asthma when the causative factors are in proximity. In between these bouts of bronchial asthma, the patient can lead a normal life. However, sometimes, the bouts are so severe that they may cause death of the person.

The asthmatic patient must carry a device called inhaler or respirator with them. This device opens up the respiratory canal and allows air to enter.

Causes of Asthma

Asthma is caused by a variety of factors.Some of them are...

2.Choked lungs
3.Inflammation in the respiratory organs
4.Blockage in nostrils
5.Weather conditions
6.Allergy caused by weather conditions Food, drugs, perfumes and other irritants.
7.Allergies to dust are the most common

Symptoms of Asthma

1.Patients suffering from asthma appear to be gasping for breath. Actually, they have more difficulty in breathing out than breathing in, and this is caused by spasms or sudden involuntary muscular contractions of the smaller air passages in the lungs.

2.Choked lungs

3.Improper breathing

4.Congested chest


6.Inflammation in chest

7.Breathing with sound of a whistle

8.Thick mucus formation
Home treatments that are very useful in Asthma

1.Honey is one of the most common home remedies for asthma. It is said that if a jug of  honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with it, he starts breathing easier and deeper.

2.Figs have proved very valuable in asthma. They give comfort to the patient by draining off  the phlegm. Three or four dry figs should be cleaned thoroughly with warm water and soaked overnight.

3.Indian Gooseberry has also proved valuable in asthma. Five grams of gooseberry  mixed with one tablespoon of honey forms an effective medicinal tonic for the treatment of this disease. It should be taken every morning.

4.Lemon is another fruit found beneficial in the treatment of asthma. The juice of one  lemon, diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, will bring good results.

5.The roots of the bitter gourd plant have been used in folk medicine for asthma since  ancient times. A teaspoon of the root paste, mixed with an equal amount of honey or  juice of the holy basil leaves, given once every night for a month, acts as an excellent  medicine for this disease.

6.A soup prepared from Drumstick leaves, and taken once daily, has been found  beneficial in the treatment of asthma. This soup is prepared by adding a handful of    leaves to 180ml of water and boiling it for five minutes. After being allowed to cool, a little  salt, pepper, and lime juice may be added to this soup.

7.A teaspoon of fresh Ginger juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to  taste, acts as an excellent expectorant in cases of asthma. The decoction of fenugreek  can be made by mixing one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in a cupful of water. This  remedy should be taken once in the morning and once in the evening.

8.Garlic is another effective home remedy for asthma. Ten garlic cloves, boiled in 30 ml of  milk, make an excellent medicine for the early stages of asthma. This mixture should he  taken once daily by the patient. Steaming ginger tea with two minced garlic cloves in it,    can also help to keep the problem under control, and should be taken in the morning and  evening.

9.Safflower seeds are beneficial in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Half a teaspoon of  powder of the dry seeds, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, can be taken once or twice a  day in treating this disease. This acts as an expectorant and reduces the spasms by  liquefying the tenacious sputum. An infusion of five grams of flowers mixed with one  tablespoon of honey, taken once daily, is also useful in this disease.

10.Take a steam inhalation of eucalyptus or lavender essential oils just during an attack and  immediately afterwards to ease panic and help open airways. It is very common natural  cure for asthma.

11.Make a glass of juice by adding 2/3 glass of carrot juice and 1/3 glass of spinach juice.  Take it thrice a day for asthma relief.

12.Make a mixture of 1/4 cup of onion juice, 1 teaspoon honey and 1/8 teaspoon black  pepper. It gives immediate relief from congestion and alleviate breathlessness.

13.Boil 8-10 cloves of garlic in ½ cup of milk and drink it at night. It is beneficial for early  stages of asthma.

14.Mix mustard oil with little camphor and massage it over the chest. This will loosen up  phlegm and help in breathing.

Saturday 23 April 2016

I hope every human being on this planet knows what fever is and how it feels during that stage. Although fever is an essential part of the body's defense against various infections. Normally when body temperature of an adult increases beyond 99 - 99.5°F causing fever.

Fever grade varies from low grade fever to high grade fever. Fever in adults halts their daily work and fever in children affects their regular studies.

I am sharing some natural remedies which can be used as soon as fever knocks your body.

1. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself well hydrated as fever causes dehydration. This will help to bring down the body temperature and toxins in the body comes out through the urine.

2. Avoid going to work and take rest until fever subsides.

3.  If the body temperature rises beyond 103
°F and in the range of  104°F then use a cloth and make it wet in the cold water to apply on the forehead intermittently for 10-15 mins. 

4. Avoid eating heavy and fried foods and take light diet such as fruit Juices, light pulses and porridge.

5.Avoid taking Iron and Zinc containing drugs or products.

6. Try to reduce Fever in the children with cold baths.

Here are some Home Remedies that are really helpful to reduce the temperature of Body.

  • Boil some mint leafs in the water with some mix some sugar lumps (Misri). Filter the boiled mint water and sip like tea. It will help to reduce the body temperature as well weakness.
  • Honey is effective in curing of fever. You can take two tea spoons of honey and one tea spoon of ginger juice. Have this thrice in a day. It’s effective in case of fever

  • Garlic is also used in reduce fever you can take one clove of garlic and add it to warm oil. Now, you can apply this oil on foot area, you can also apply it under your foot. It is really effective in reducing the body temperature.
  • Potatoes may also help to bring down your body temperature. You can take raw slices of potatoes and keep them on forehead. You may also place a cloth on the top of it. It helps to cure fever in a positive way.
  • Basil is also effective in curing fever. You can take some basil leaves and boil it with water. Take this water two or three times in a day, it is positive in curing your fever. You can also opt for basil in case of tea. Fenugreek can also be taken along with warm water in terms of curing fever.
  • You can soak 10-15 Raisins in Water, crush the raisins in the same water and strain it and drink it. This is a very helpful home remedy.
  • Bittergourd is also helpful in bringing down temperature.

Here are some Home Remedies that are really helpful to reduce the temperature of Body.

  • Boil some mint leafs in the water with some mix some sugar lumps (Misri). Filter the boiled mint water and sip like tea. It will help to reduce the body temperature as well weakness.
  • Honey is effective in curing of fever. You can take two tea spoons of honey and one tea spoon of ginger juice. Have this thrice in a day. It’s effective in case of fever
  • Garlic is also used in reduce fever you can take one clove of garlic and add it to warm oil. Now, you can apply this oil on foot area, you can also apply it under your foot. It is really effective in reducing the body temperature.
  • Potatoes may also help to bring down your body temperature. You can take raw slices of potatoes and keep them on forehead. You may also place a cloth on the top of it. It helps to cure fever in a positive way.
  • Basil is also effective in curing fever. You can take some basil leaves and boil it with water. Take this water two or three times in a day, it is positive in curing your fever. You can also opt for basil in case of tea. Fenugreek can also be taken along with warm water in terms of curing fever.
  • You can soak 10-15 Raisins in Water, crush the raisins in the same water and strain it and drink it. This is a very helpful home remedy.
  • Bittergourd is also helpful in bringing down temperature.
The Normal temperature of Body is 37 degree Celsius(98.6 Fahrenheit) when this temperature increases that condition is known as Fever that is also known as Pyrexia
A fever is often a symptom of an infection; the body is reacting to pathogens. It is raising the temperature to an abnormal level so it can kill the pathogen.

Fever Symptoms
  • Rise in body temperatureis most common symptom of Fever.Others are,
  • Sweating
  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Lack of appetite
  • Burning eyes
  • General weakness
Fever Causes

Body temperature is regulated by hypothalamus. It is located at the base of the brain. Hypothalamus sets the body temperature as per the body need. Some of the diseases that cause fever are as follows Lyme disease, Malaria, Melioidosis, Pneumonia, Infection in urinary tract, Viral Hepatitis, Whooping Cough, Cancer, Cold and flu. Sometimes fever can also be side effect of any medications you are on, especially medicines taken for hypertension or seizures.

Tuesday 19 April 2016


This post is about the facts of hair loss and Hair loss treatments and how to prevent hair loss.

Causes of hair loss
  • Can be due to use of coloring chemicals and bleaching products.
  • In most of the cases Heredity plays an important role in male baldness.
  • Stress and anxiety leads to loss of hair and some time it is very severe.
  • Hormonal deficiencies can cause hair loss, particularly so in women. This can be treated successfully if diagnosed early.
  • Lesser flow of blood to scalpe may also lead to hair loss baldness.
  • Hair loss can also be a result of illness and sometimes surgery. This hair loss is short term and often can be treated easily
  • Improper hair care may lead to hair alopecia which can be cured as some chemicals are available in the market which can lead to hair regrowth in the affected area.
Home Remedy for Hair loss

  • Those suffering from hair loss or baldness, may apply a paste of hot olive oil, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder before a bath and keep it for approximately 15 minutes, and then wash the hair.
  • It was found very effective if kept for 5 minutes as well.
  • Wash hair regularly with cold and clean water. After washing the hair rub the scalp with fingertips well. It is a simple way and beneficial remedy against hair loss.
  • Trim the hair every one-month.
  • Avoid sharp clips, tight rubber bands and spiky brushes.
  • Rub a lime on your scalp if there is dandruff on your scalp, leave it for 10 minutes and shampoo the hair. You should use medicated dandruff shampoo and oil to apply on your hair when they are suffering from dandruff
  • Never comb your hair when they are wet. The roots of the hairs are the weakest when they are wet.
  • Keep the hair wrapped in a towel for a while then let them dry in natural air as excess usage of hair dryer too damages the hair texture and makes them weak and then ultimately they fall.
  • When your hair is falling, make a mixture at home containing Amla, Shikakai and dry neem leaves. Grind them together and apply this paste on the hair before washing them off for a while.
  • Eat healthy diet including green vegetables, dairy products and fruits.
  • Drinking coconut water prevents the hair fall

Thursday 7 April 2016

Body rash is nothing but the inflammation of the skin. It is caused due to various reasons - some kind of allergy to perfumes, soaps, detergents or the chemicals in the clothing are few reasons that cause body rashes. It can happen to people of any age group and gender. The body rash can be easily seen on the skin, as the skin of body rash appears different in color compared to the other body parts. The body rashes can happen at any part of the body. Itching of the skin, bumps on the skin and burning sensations are the symptoms of body rash.

Causes of Body Rash

+Allergy to dyes and chemicals in clothing. 

+As a reaction to cosmetics, perfumes, soaps and detergents. 

+One of the main factors for skin rashes is heat. So people suffer a lot in summer.

Home Remedies for Body Rash

1. Olive Oil: One of the best home remedies for body rash is to apply the olive oil on the affected area. Olive oil penetrates into the skin and cures the rash.

2. Calcium Water: Soak the cotton cloth in calcium water or comfrey. Keep it for some time and then put it on the affected area of the body having rash. This gives soothing effect and also reduces inflammation.

3. Vitamin C: For internal, one can go for consuming foods those are rich in Vitamin C as vitamin C is considered to be having antioxidant property which can heal up the bodily rashes.

4.Toothpaste: One of the most easily available home remedy is toothpaste that can be applied to the rash area. As it contains mint, it gives coolness and reduces itching and pain.
Baking Powder: One can apply baking powder to the affected area. It is an easy remedy to combat skin rash.

5.Oatmeal: Take a cup of raw oatmeal and pour it in the bathing water to soak for a little while. This is used to take bath and gives relief to patients with skin rashes.
6.Almond Oil: A smear of almond oil can also be applied and kept for sometime over the rashes.

7.Potato and Oatmeal: Potato is known for its healing and good dermatological properties. Finely chopped potato and a cup of oatmeal can be added to a tub of water. This is stirred properly. Individuals suffering from chicken pox can wash there rashes using this water to obtain relief and treatment.

Friday 1 April 2016

Headache cures are the most sought after remedies as it is one of the most common ailment people suffer from. Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional, being caused by temporary upsets, and are not related to any organic changes in the brain. They are often natures warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles, and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which severe these areas.

Some General Tips For Headache

Deep Breathing Exercises:If you suffer from tension headaches, sit in a darkened room and slowly take in deep breaths through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Do this until you feel relaxed.

Acupressure:Reduce headache pain by squeezing the web of skin between the thumb and pointer finger as hard as you can; or use both thumbs and apply pressure under the bony ridges at the back of the head

Meditate: Imagine the pain flowing out of your head; you may combine this with the deep breathing exercise

Listen to relaxing music while you lie down

Sleep: Get 6-8 hours but don't oversleep because that can cause headaches on its own.

Use a Neck pillow in bed:If you get a lot of morning headaches, they could be caused by the way you sleep. A neck pillow will support your neck and could prevent morning headaches.

Avoid Bright Light: Peoples suffering from Migraine not feeling well in the bright light and it caused acute sharp pain.Use sunglasses if you are going to be outside for any length of time.

Quit smoking and avoid smoke-filled rooms.

Home Remedies  for Headache and Migraine 

Use of Basil leafs : Basil (Tulsi) plant is native to Indian subcontinent and found in most of the houses in India. It has numerous health benefits in various ailment including Migraine. Take some Basil leafs and dry them in the shadow for some days. Make powder of these leafs in the grinder. Take couple of pinch of the powder and mixed it with honey. Take the mixture during morning and in the evening. This will give relief in Migraine.

Basil (Tulsi) plant

Natural Headache remedy using Henna:The flowers of henna have been found valuable in curing headaches caused by hot sun. The flowers should be rubbed in vinegar and applied over the forehead. 

Headache remedy using Cinnamon:Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.

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